Useful data:

High tide at Richmond lock occurs about 1 hour after high tide at London Bridge but low water occurs between 3 and 3½ hours after low water at London Bridge. This is because the upper reaches ‘fill’ quicker than they ’empty’.

There is also a difference of approx 6ft in the height of water at high and low tide depending on whether there is a Spring (largest) or Neap (smallest) tide. Spring tides happen about every two weeks just after the Full and New Moon; Neap tides after the Moon is in its first and last quarters.

Rope (warp) Lengths:

Bow Line: 1 x Line = 10mtrs (or if longer than 25ft: 1 x length of your boat + ½ again)
Stern Line: 2 x Lines = The length of your boat (or if small boat 2 x 7 meters)

Links to others:

River Flow Graph
River Condition Warnings
Environment Agency Information incl lock closures
5 day tide forecast; tide height at Richmond Lock

We have found these sites useful:

Environment agency info base

ATYC – Association of Thames Yacht Clubs

Association of Thames Yacht Clubs Newsletters 

Interesting Others:

History of Molesey to Hampton Court
(with thanks to Rowland Baker)

Good sources of general information:



Water level: